
  • modules can be also nested appolo apps with own injector and app context they function as independent appolo app.
  • module can also export instances that will be injected to main app injector.
  • modules can load own nested modules.
  • each module instance is uniq you can load the same module multiple time with different options.
  • modules can be loaded in sequence or in parallel mode.


Module Directory Structure#

|- config
|- env
|- all.ts
|- production.ts
|- modules
|- all.ts
|- src
|- controllers
|- managers
|- services
|- bootstrap.ts
| someModule.ts

module env will be merged with module parent env.


each module must inherit from Module

import {Module, module} from '@appolo/engine';
import {MonitorController} from "./src/monitorController";
exports: [MonitorController]
export class MonitorModule extends Module {
import {Controller, controller, get, inject} from 'appolo';
import {IEnv} from "./config/env/IEnv";
export class MonitorController extends Controller {
@inject() env: IEnv;
public monitor() {
return {ok: true, type:}

now load module in main app modules

export = async function (env, app: App) {

now load modules in parallel

export = async function (env, app: App) {
.use(MonitorModule) //will we loaded first
.use(ModuleA,ModuleB) // will we loaded in paralel
.use(ModuleC) // will we loaded last

now monitoring controller is part of our app the route /api/monitor in available

Module Config#

module options can be injected in any module class

exports: [MonitorController]
export class MonitorModule extends Module {
public static for(config:{name:string}){
return {type: MonitorModule, config}
export class MonitorController extends Controller {
@inject() moduleOptions: { name: string };
public monitor() {
return {ok: true, name:}
export = async function (env, app: App) {
await app.module.use(MonitorModule.for({name:"someId"}))

Module Load#

some time you need to load a module before the main app is loaded for example the logger module

exports: [Logger]
export class LoggerModule extends Module {
export = async function (env, app: App,injector:Injector) {
await app.module.load(LoggerModule)
//now the logger app is loaded and can be used everyware.
injector.get("logger").info("logger loaded")

Async Modules#

module can use all appolo features like async factories.
the app will be launched when all modules finished loading

import {Module, module} from '@appolo/engine';
export class DbModule extends Module<{ id: string }> {
public static for(config:{id:string}){
return {type: DbModule, config}
protected readonly Defaults = {
public get exports() {
return [{id:, type: DbFactory}]
import {define, singleton,factory,IFactory} from '@appolo/inject';
import mongoose = require('mongoose');
export class DbFactory implements IFactory<mongoose.Connection> {
@inject() moduleOptions: {conn:string};
async get(): Promise<mongoose.Connection> {
const connection = await mongoose.createConnection(this.moduleOptions.conn);
return connection

we load the module in the main app and define the id of db client.

export = async function (env, app: App) {

now you can inject the db instance anywhere in the main app

export class SomeManager{
@inject() db1:mongoose.Connection
async initialize(){
await this.db1.collections()

Module Lifecycle#

  • beforeAppInitialize - called on App initialize
  • beforeModuleInitialize - called before module initialize
  • beforeModuleLaunch - called before module launch
  • onInjectInitialize - called on module init method
  • onInjectBootstrap - called on module bootstrap method
  • afterModuleInitialize - called after module initialized and inject finish loading
  • afterModuleLaunch - called after module launched finish the bootstrap process
  • afterAppInitialize - called after app initialized and inject finish loading
  • afterAppLaunch - called after app launch finish the bootstrap process
  • beforeReset - called before app reset
  • reset - called before app reset
export class DbModule extends Module<{ id: string }> {
public get exports() {
return [{id:, type: DbFactory}]
//do something

Dependency injection#

The module instance can be used with inject only after the onInjectInitialize event

export class DbModule extends Module<{ id: string }> {
@inejct() dbClient :Cleint
async onInjectInitialize(){
await this.dbClient.connect()

Inner modules can inject instances from parent App or modules loaded on the parent App.

export class DbFactory {
@inject() logger: ILogger;

it will look the logger instance first in the module injector if not found it will look in the module parent injector util it will reach the root injector if the instance not found error will be thrown

Module Properties#

moduleOptions - return module options

  • parent - return module parent app
  • app - return module app
  • rootParent - return top root app
  • moduleOptions - return custom module config
  • defaults - return default custom module config

Module Function#

Third party modules can be easily loaded into appolo inject and used in inject container.
Each module must call app.module.loadFn before it can be used by appolo launcher.
app.module.loadFn accepts a function as an argument.
The last argument to that function must be the next function, modules loaded serially, so each module must call the next function or return a promise in order to continue the launch process. Other arguments to the function are object which you wish to inject into the module (these objects must be injected earlier).

By default, each module can inject:

  • env - environment object
  • inject - injector - to add objects to the injector
  • app - the app instance
  • or any previous loaded module instances

In config/modules/all.ts

import {App,IEnv} from '@appolo/core';
import {Injector} from '@appolo/injector';
export = async function(app:App){
await app.module.loadFn(async function(env:IEnv,inject:Injector,app:App){
let myModuleObject = {data:'test'};
await toSomeThing();

Now we can inject myModuleObject to any class

import {define,singleton,initMethod,inject} from '@appolo/inject';
export class AuthMiddleware{
@inject('myModuleObject') testObject:any
public doSomeThing() {
return; //return 'test'

module can loaded in parallel

import {App} from '@appolo/core';
export = async function(app:App){
await app.module.loadFn(SomeModule,SomeModule2);

A logger module example with winston
In config/modules/all.ts

import winston = require('winston');
import {App} from '@appolo/core';
import {Injector} from '@appolo/inject';
export = async function(app:App){
await appolo.module(async function(env:any,inject:Injector){
transports = [];
transports.push(new (winston.transports.Console)({
json: false,
timestamp: true
let logger = new (winston.Logger)({ transports: transports});
inject.addObject('logger', logger);

Now we you inject logger anywhere we need it

import {define,inject} from '@appolo/core';
export class DataManager{
@inject() logger:Logger
public initialize(){"dataManager initialized",{someData:'someData'})