
CQRS module


npm i @appolo/cqrs


commandsBusIdCommands Bus id namestringcommandsBus
eventsBusIdEvents Bus id namestringeventsBus
queryBusIdQueryBus id namestringqueryBus

in config/modules/all.ts

import {CqrsModule} from '@appolo/cqrs';
export = async function (app: App) {


first we crate command and command handler. The command handler will publish events on the commands bus. we execute commands using commandBus.

import {define, singleton} from '@appolo/inject'
import {command,CommandBus} from "@appolo/cqrs";
export class SomeCommand {
constructor(public name:string) {
export class SomeManager {
@inject() commandBus: CommandBus;
private async run() {
await this.commandBus.execute(new SomeCommand("value"));

now we create command handler that execute the command

import {define, singleton} from '@appolo/inject'
import {command} from "@appolo/cqrs";
export class SomeCommandHandler {
@inject() manager: Manager;
@inject() eventsBus: EventsBus;
private async handleSomeCommand(command: SomeCommand) {
let data = await this.manager.getData(command.name);
await this.eventsBus.publish(new SomeEventdata)


events handlers listen to events bus and react to events

import {define, singleton} from '@appolo/inject'
import {event} from "@appolo/cqrs";
export class SomeEvent {
constructor(public name:string) {
export class SomeEventHandler {
@inject() manager: Manager;
private async handleSomeEvent(event: SomeEvent) {
await this.manager.updateDb(event.name)


queries used to query handler asynchronously

import {define, singleton} from '@appolo/inject'
import {query} from "@appolo/cqrs";
export class SomeQuery {
constructor(id:string) {
export class SomeQueryHandler {
@inject() manager: Manager;
private async handleSomeEvent(command: SomeQuery) {
return this.manager.getDataById(command.id)

now we can query for data using the queryBus

import {define, singleton} from '@appolo/inject'
import {QueryBus} from "@appolo/cqrs";
export class SomeManager {
@inject() private queryBus: QueryBus;
private async getDataById(id:string) {
return queryBus.query<string>(new SomeQuery(id))


sagas used to listen to multi events and fire new commands

import {define, singleton} from '@appolo/inject'
import {saga,CommandBus} from "@appolo/cqrs";
export class SomeManager {
@inject() commandBus: CommandBus;
private async sagaHandler(id:string) {
return commandBus.execute(new SomeCommand())


you can use cqrs with @appolo/bus and class-transformer

you will need to load the bus module in modules config

import {BusModule} from '@appolo/bus';
export = async function (app: App) {

now call the commands events and queries will be published to rabbitMQ

import {define, singleton} from '@appolo/inject'
import {command,CommandBus} from "@appolo/cqrs-bus";
export class SomeCommand {
constructor(public name:string) {
export class SomeManager {
@inject() commandBus: CommandBus;
private async run() {
await this.commandBus.execute(new SomeCommand("value"));

it is possible to define custom bus options

export class SomeCommand {
constructor(public name:string) {
export class SomeCommandHandler {
@inject() manager: Manager;
@inject() eventsBus: EventsBus;
// bus options will be merged with the handler
private async handleSomeCommand(command: SomeCommand) {
let data = await this.manager.getData(command.name);
await this.eventsBus.publish(new SomeEventdata(),{expire:1000})